If you’ve never done it before, finding good gifts for weddings can seem like a stressful task. With so many gifts being bought for the couple, how can you possibly tell what they’ll need or want? This is complicated even more if you are only somewhat acquainted with the bride and groom.
The good news is most of the time getting gifts for weddings is a piece of cake. The wedding gift process is simplified when the bride and groom register at a particular store or series of stores, listing products they could use. While it seems to take the surprise out of it a little, weddings aren’t birthdays or holiday celebrations; with such large scale gift giving event, practicality and efficiency holds more sway than surprise. Futhermore, it makes finding gifts for weddings easier than anything.
All you have to do to find good gifts for weddings is to contact the store the couple has registered with and see what is still available for purchasing. As different guests buy different items, the store will keep a record of it and so you don’t have to worry about getting something they’ll already have. Most of the time, they is a huge range of items covering different price areas to choose from, so you can comfortably find something in the dollar amount you had in mind.
Of course, not every lucky in love soon to be married couple will use this store registration process. Maybe some couples just aren’t aware of it, or for whatever reason opted to leave the gift giving process to chance. While there is certainly something romantic about the idea, it makes finding gifts for weddings a lot harder for guests if the couple isn’t registered anywhere.
Recently I went to such a wedding where the couple had not registered. Had I known the couple a little better, I would maybe have suggested to them that they do so, but it had been some years since I’d even seen them so I didn’t want to seem rude. Also, they’re from another country, and I wasn’t sure if there was some cultural reason behind their lack of registration. Maybe it was against their religion or something, I have no idea. Still, I didn’t panic, and here’s my suggestion for getting gifts for weddings like this; gift certificates.
If you know the couple better, you can maybe suggest they register to help everyone find gifts for the wedding. Also, when you know the couple well, finding gifts for weddings is made easier by knowing the kinds of things they’ll need. Still, even if its your best friend or sibling getting married, getting gifts for weddings is a lot simpler if the couple registers somewhere.